Getting Started with Growing Cannabis at Home
Cannabis cultivation is a rewarding but challenging hobby. Those who are successful growers share some basic knowledge and understanding of the plant. Here are tips on getting started with growing cannabis at home.

How to Cure Your Cannabis Buds
Curing cannabis flowers is a process that takes between 1-2 weeks but, for some growers, can last as long as 6 months. The curing process helps to preserve the potency and flavor of your bud so you get more from each individual harvest and ensure a quality product....

Exploring the Different Types of Cannabis and their Effects
Cannabis is a plant that has been used for millennia to produce both hemp and marijuana. The cannabis plant, Cannabis sativa, contains the psychoactive chemical THC which produces feelings of euphoria and relaxation and is a main active ingredient. Most strains of...

Preventing Wind Burn on Cannabis Plants
Wind burn is a common ailment in plants that is a form of stress for your plants. It is caused by your plants having too much exposure to the wind which can cause some worrying symptoms. If you have indoor plants, then the air inside your home could be too dry and...

Nutrient Lockout in Cannabis Plants: How to Identify, Fix, and Prevent
Nutrients for cannabis plants are essential to the plant's health. Nutrients can be mobile or immobile, and nutrient lockout is caused when your growing cannabis doesn't have enough of either nutrient. So what does nutrient lockout look like? Well, it will show up as...

CBD Oil and Pets: Is it Safe for Cats?
There are many CBD products on the market these days for pet owners to choose from and CBD oil is one of them, but there are questions about CBD oil for cats. CBD is a cannabis product that doesn't get you high like THC does, but it's still illegal in many states and...

Solving Sulfur Problems in Cannabis Plants
Sulfur is an essential plant nutrient for cannabis. It is a sulfur deficiency that leads to stunted growth and yellowing leaves, among other symptoms. If sulfur toxicity occurs, the leaves will become dark green to brown, and your plant will exhibit slower growth. In...

Identifying and Fixing Phosphorus Issues in Cannabis Plants
Phosphorus is a key nutrient that plays a crucial role in plant growth. Because phosphorus is so important, it's important to know how to fix phosphorus toxicity or deficiency in your cannabis plants. Unfortunately, phosphorus toxicity can occur when there are too...

Potassium Problems and Cures for Cannabis Plants
Potassium is an essential nutrient for your cannabis plant, but one that many growers neglect. Inadequate potassium can lead to potassium deficiency in cannabis plants and potassium toxicity too. If you want to avoid these problems, make sure you are getting enough...

Magnesium Deficiency and Toxicity in Cannabis Plants
Magnesium is a mineral that is an essential plant nutrient to help them to grow and stay healthy. It is needed for photosynthesis, which means magnesium deficiency can lead to stunted growth in cannabis plants. In this article, we explore magnesium deficiency and...
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