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Our Goal is that Your Plants Thrive

Getting Started with Growing Cannabis

Growing cannabis indoors can be a fun and rewarding experience. It starts with knowing your setup options and making smart decisions that suit your needs. We’re here to help. Start by checking out this article on the basics of what you will need to start your grow. From there you can dig into each facet as deeply as you so desire.

Growing Environments

Good on your setup? Great! Now let’s get it optimal. You will notice a significant improvement in quality and quantity when you keep your environment finely tuned for cannabis cultivation. Let us help you navigate this web of ups, downs, and countermeasures. Start your journey here with our overview on optimizing your grow environment.

Troubleshooting your Cannabis Grow

Controlling nature is hard. Plants in the most finely tuned environments can still develop issues. Don’t sweat it though. Even the most devastating of problems can be corrected if identified early and addressed. Let us help you identify and solve those problems. Check out our troubleshooting overview to get a lay of the land. From there, dig into the specific threats to your plant and discover ways to mount an effective counterattack.

Our Story

It started with a few seeds from a friend.

As a New Yorker now living in California it was a surreal experience for me to be able to grow, in my backyard, what was once delivered to my door in Manhattan. Even after all these years of growing, the senses of wonder and accomplishment only increase with each harvest.

Looking back, the learning curve was quite steep. I had to hunt and piece together random tidbits from the Internet to stumble through the first few grows. There wasn’t a single, trusted source, where I could go for knowledge and advice.

At we wanted to create a destination where other adventurous home growers could learn from the experience of others. Where the new urban farmer could learn the basics, and then elevate their skills with advanced techniques to maximize yield while reducing resource consumption.

Our goal is to help you succeed so that your plants thrive.

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